Lessons and Classes

We are currently offering private lessons in piano, guitar, violin, cello, voice, bass guitar, flute and ukulele. We are also excited to announce that we are now offering Rock Band classes on Saturday mornings. Our teachers are highly qualified and compassionate instructors that are able to work with all ages and skill levels including adults. It’s never too late to learn an instrument! The right age for children to begin lessons depends on their focus and motor skills. If you have questions about whether your child is ready, we’re happy to talk. Lessons are held weekly and can be scheduled during the day and evening hours. All students are invited, but not required, to perform in our recitals and competitions throughout the year. They are a great opportunity for students to share what they are working on and to hear and be inspired by the other students and instructors. Tuition depends on the length of lesson. Generally students start with 30 minute lessons with the option of adding time as they advance. Rock band classes are 1 1/2 hours every week. Most students pay monthly, but we offer a small discount for private lessons for pre-paying for semester blocks (3 months), as well as for setting up auto payment.We are also happy to pro-rate tuition for a start date in the middle of the semester.


We have worked hard to bring you the best teachers and the best services at a competitive price. Not only do we hope to provide our students with an exceptional music education, but also we strive to provide a wonderful environment for both the students and teachers.

We operate on a 48 week calendar. That means you are paying for 4 lessons per month. Depending on the day and month of your lessons you may get a 5th lesson. However, one of the reasons we are a great place to work is that we offer our teachers 4 weeks a year of vacation/sick days that the students do not have lessons and allows the teachers to take time off without it affecting their pay. The time the teachers choose to take is completely up to each individual teacher to schedule. In the end, students are guaranteed 48 lessons within a year. 


Costs Per Month

$29 Registration Fee

Lesson Discounts

Costs Per Month

With Auto Pay
With auto pay and semester prepayment
$29 Registration Fee
All the same benefits at a reduced price

Rock Band

Costs Per Month

$29 Registration Fee